6 Months

I just re-read my birth story that I typed up on a forum I frequently visit. I can NOT believe it’s already been 6 months (well, a week shy but who’s counting!?)

Has the time really gone by so quickly? Being a first time mommy can be a big adjustment & it’s sometimes so overwhelming. But re-reading this just makes me realize even more how much I have to appreciate every second.

Side note: but my poor little guy is finally sick for the first time ever! He’s so congested & can’t stop coughing 😦 feel so sorry for him.

Anyway, here’s my super long birth story full of acronyms that maybe no one will understand unless they google it. Ha!

Some back story… My entire pregnancy my son has been measuring “big”. I was reassured that I wouldn’t hear any talk of induction or anything by one of the OB’s in my clinic until my EDD of 11/13. At my 37th week check up on 10/25 I was ordered to get an EFW ultrasound. I went in for the ultrasound on the 30th & was told baby measured 9lbs. I knew that at my next OB appointment there was a high chance I’d have to deal with talks of induction to prevent him getting too big for me to deliver. Finally my appointment rolls around on the 1st & my OB was running hours late due to the storm so I asked to leave after having my urine, & bp taken. Before I left they told me the NP needed to talk to me. Lo & behold she was worried about the EFW & said I might need a c-section! Not even an early induction or anything just jumped straight to c-section. I told her I did not want that at all & she said she just wanted me to know it may be something to think about but that I should wait to talk to my OB & asked if I could come in again on Monday (the 5th). I made my appointment & went home devastated. Even though I knew it was my decision & that it was not a huge deal, I hated the fact that I would likely have to fight for my NUCB & that I actually let the scare tactics get to me & make me wish he would just be ready to come already, even though I was still a little over a week from my EDD.

I head to my appointment on Monday dreading talking to my OB but ready to stand my ground. As soon as she sat down with DH & I. She made it very clear that while it is my choice, she did not personally feel I was putting my baby or myself in any danger if I wanted to try for a vaginal birth. I was thrilled! She was honest about the risks but admitted that ultrasounds are often off & that I was not even in as high risk of a category to talk about c-sections. She said we would revisit the conversation if I go a week past my due date & sent me home with the advice to walk a lot & have a lot of sex haha. I hadn’t been checked yet since I thought it was pretty pointless, but I asked her to check because I wanted to start doing things at home to move things along but only wanted to do it if I had at least some progress. I was between 3-4 cm, 70% effaced & at -2 station. She made an appointment for next Monday but said I would likely be having him in the next couple of days. I was so excited!

All of the rest of the day I had strong contractions, but I figured it was just from having my cervix checked. Tuesday rolls around & I had no contractions at all, all day. I know it had literally been a day since talking with my OB but I irrationally went to bed around midnight, really bummed thinking that he may very well still not be anywhere near ready.

I woke up around 1 AM to a very strong contraction. I had been having them at night for the past couple of weeks so thought nothing of it. Then I suddenly felt a gush of water & it wasn’t such a large amount. I wasn’t sure if it was my plug or if I had broken my water, but when I got up to check I felt another gush & knew it was the real deal. I couldn’t believe it! Since I didn’t really have any major contractions by then, I thought I’d have some time before having to head out. I woke up DH & he excitedly wanted to go straight to the hospital. But I told him I still felt fine & wanted to take a shower first. So we took a quick shower & that’s when my contractions started to really kick in. I tested GBS+ so I knew I couldn’t take too long & decided I should just get ready to go now. I got dressed & had DH call my OB to let her know my water had broken & I would be coming in. The hospital is only 15 minutes away but with my contractions having seriously picked up, it felt like an eternity before getting there. We checked in at 2:18 & was taken to my room right away. The OB on call came in to check me & I was at a 5. My contractions were so awful I couldn’t believe it! I had to be hooked up to the IV to receive antibiotics. It was torture being stuck in the bed & dealing with contractions. I had declined the epidural & I was totally fine between contractions but as they progressed I found myself doubting myself. I couldn’t focus & couldn’t practice any of the hypnobabies techniques I had studied, everything went out the window. But my husband kept encouraging me & telling me I was doing great. At one point I totally lost it & couldn’t catch my breath at all. I don’t remember all of this but my husband says I asked for something to relieve the pain, just not the epidural. I had told him before not to let me change my mind at all because I knew there was a chance it would happen when I actually went into labor. He kept telling me I could do it & I think the nurses & OB were getting angry & told him he had no right to choose for me. But I’m so glad that he did his best to help me get the birth that I wanted. I had no concept of time at this point but I was checked again & I was at a 7. I still had a hard time focusing on my breathing & it caused LO’s heartrate to drop to the 70s. I had no idea any of this was happening, all I could focus on was trying to make it through past each contraction. It was getting to the point where I was at risk of c-section not for his size but because I couldn’t get it together with my breathing. At that point I was given oxygen & DH talked to me & told me I had to breathe so that our baby could breathe. It was all it took to get me to work harder than I’d ever worked in my life & just breathe deeply & slowly. Next time I was checked I was at a 9. At this point my body started pushing on it’s own. I couldn’t believe how much pressure I felt & how I just could not stop myself from pushing. Finally I got to 10 & was told I could actively push. It took 3 pushes & less than 15 minutes until he was here. I didn’t really feel the ring of fire & I had 2nd degree tearing but I didn’t really feel that either. Pushing was such a relief other than one part that really hurt, probably when I tore.

Little Jean arrived on 11/7/12, 3:42 AM. It was less than four hours from the time my water broke to the time he arrived. He was 8 lbs & 2 oz, 21″ long. I am so beyond in love with him & so happy to finally have him here. Although it was crazy intense & nothing like I had imagined, I wouldn’t change my experience for anything. I’m so grateful & happy that my DH was able to support me & not let me completely lose sight of what I had wanted for so long. Although I almost caved, I’m so proud of myself for being able to say that I got my NUCB after all!

Little one is here!

Almost a month since I wrote last. I’ve been busy enjoying/surviving motherhood! (Not-so) little Jean is finally here. I’m typing this with him hiccuping in my arms & it still feels so unreal. The little bundle that once resided in my belly for 10 months is finally here. He is everything & nothing like what I imagined. We couldn’t be any happier 🙂

From this…

To this…

& A day late buuuut…

& The freak-outs begin

I’m due November 13. We’re moving October 15. Because of this, I can’t nest. It’s been driving me up a wall! All I want to do is set things up & organize & decorate & clean but there’s no point until we move. I feel like I don’t have enough time. In the meantime, my pinterest boards are getting crazy haha. At least I’ve been able to start his yarn letters.